03 Jul 2020

Jacob: A Victim Of Poor Choices

Several years ago, just as large wolf-like dogs like Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes became the big fashion, someone decided to get one of those beautiful beasts as a pet. Most likely, little thought was given to the needs of such a dog, or the effort and expense to maintain its health.

The source of this puppy was probably one of the horrible puppy factories or an unscrupulous backyard breeder, who dedicate themselves to satisfying the profitable market for “trendy” dogs. Buying a dog from such a place greatly increases the risk of genetic defects and serious health problems.

Sure enough, this majestic dog soon developed hip dysplasia which made walking on his hind legs increasingly difficult and painful. As time went on, painful tumors started growing on his left front leg and right front paw. By this time, his owner had tired of taking him to the vets for expensive treatments, since he was no longer fun or good for showing off to friends. So the suffering increased and the tumors grew, eventually completely destroying the poor animal’s paw.

We met this dog, Jacob, shortly after he was finally dumped at a local temple. At this point, the poor boy was barely able to get up and was in constant, excruciating pain.

With timely veterinary care, Jacob’s health problems could have been treated to restore a good quality of life. But with the cancer being allowed to grow unchecked, he will now lose his entire right front leg. For a large, heavy dog with back problems, this means that he won’t be able to get around much anymore.

Thankfully, a kind family of longtime WVS supporters have come forward to give Jacob a caring home for his remaining time on this earth. While he will never again be able to race carefree across the fields, he will know true love, perhaps for the first time in his tragic life.

WVS Thailand provides desperately needed veterinary care for animals who have nowhere else to turn to. Please join us in helping more of these unfortunate dogs and cats, by making a donation today!

Jacob: A Victim Of Poor Choices

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Jacob: A Victim Of Poor Choices

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Jacob: A Victim Of Poor Choices

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Account Name

WVS Thailand Foundation


Kasikorn Bank PCL
Branch Siyaek-Sanambin
Chiang Mai 50200

If you make a bank transfer please email us at donations@wvsthailand.org as the banking system here unfortunately cannot identify individual donors and we would like to be able to send you a Thank You note.

If your donation is for a specific dog or purpose, please let us know!

Please let us know when would be a good time for you to drop by the shelter.

We'll be very pleased to meet you and show some of the dogs that we're helping!

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