This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions. It is by no means exhaustive and will grow as and when additional FAQ’s are required.

Please select one of the following categories:

General Information

Q – Does WVS Thailand react to emergency calls ?

A – We do react to calls from people who have either found a cat or dog injured or ill, or in imminent danger of death from abuse or other human act. When there is a legitimate emergency and village owners or monks cannot pay for the full costs of veterinary care we have, at times, helped out financially. But due to limitations in budget and our focus being primarily on spaying/neutering, we cannot sponsor all emergency cases. Each situation is reviewed on a case by case basis.

Q – If I find an injured animal, what should I do ?

A – Please take the animal immediately to a veterinarian or emergency animal clinic. Costs typically run between 500 to 2000 baht, depending on the services needed.

Q – Can I bring an unwanted pet to the WVS Thailand shelter ?

A – As we are overwhelmed with requests to take in very ill dogs or dogs that are at high risk of being poisoned or killed, we can only consider taking in severe and emergency cases. We encourage all owners to consider other options before asking us to take their unwanted pet in, including dog training if behavior is a problem.

Q – Are you a no-kill shelter ?

A – Yes, we are a no-kill shelter. We do not euthanize dogs unless they are in immense and un-treatable pain. Our priority is to offer quality of life to all dogs and our shelter, under no circumstance, will euthanize a healthy animal.

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Q – Can anyone adopt an animal from WVS Thailand shelter ?

A – Yes…. but, we ask that the person who will be the future owner (and not a third party) be present to choose which dog they want to adopt!

  • We also ask that the house the dog will be living in have a closed yard or be far from a busy road
  • We also request that all future owners sign a contract promising that the dog will not be abandoned at a future date to a temple or third party as well as will be spayed if too young for us to have done so at the time of adoption
  • And we also include in the contract a reminder that we will carryout follow up visits to the new home, observing behavior, relationship, health and well being of the adoptee(s). We will recover the dog back to the shelter if living conditions are not appropriate.

Q – I want to adopt a pet. How do I find a pet and apply for adoption ?

A – A visit to our shelter is the surest way to find out what pets are currently available for adoption and what our adoption policies are!

Q – What types of animals are available for adoption ?

A – Adult dogs as well as puppies. Although we sometimes have pure-bred dogs, most of our dogs are pure (and lovable!) cross bred mixes.

Q – I’m looking for a very young puppy. Do you have any that are available?

A- For the protection of the dogs’ physical and emotional well-being, under no circumstances do we adopt out puppies younger than 8 weeks. Dogs need to stay with their mothers until at MINIMUM 8 weeks of age or they are subject to a weakened immune system and poor emotional relationships with others.

Q – I’m looking to buy a purebred dog, do you know where I could get one?

A – Our work with dogs in Chiang Mai inevitably brings us into contact with many purebred dogs in the guise of Labrador, Retriever, Tsitzu, Poole, Alsatian, Sharpie, Ridgeback, Bull Terrier to name but a few.

In our opinion, the continued breeding of purebred dogs, to a certain degree, exacerbates the dire problems dogs face in Thailand and would not ever recommend purchasing a dog as there are already so many homeless dogs either in shelters of living on the streets or at temples, all equally loving and ready to be a good companion. We believe that adoption is far better than buying.

We have witnessed breeders dumping puppies in temples or on the street and heard of breeders killing the extra dogs they are not able to sell. Many individuals have come to us after adopting purebred dogs from markets, only to find that the pups were never vaccinated and since they were separated from their mommy way too early, become sick with either parvo or distemper.

The situation is disheartening.

Why not make a visit to our shelter and observe the behaviours and character of a wide range of dogs. They are eagerly awaiting a new home.

Q – How much does it cost to adopt an animal ?

A – We do not charge a fee for adoptions. We do not feel that financial means of the adopter are as important as the love each owner has to give to an individual dog!


It’s not always the right time in your life to adopt a dog. Consider the cost and responsibility before you take a dog home. Sometimes even a dog-lover needs to wait until a different time to bring home a dog. Here are some issues to consider before you adopt:

Commitment: Most dogs live about 10 to 18 years. Are you and your family prepared to make this long commitment to the animal you are now adopting? Pet ownership also includes responsibilities for training, veterinary care and other things necessary for the pet to lead a comfortable, happy life.

Lifestyle: Dogs are very time-consuming pets. They need exercise and attention every single day. It’s important for you to select an animal with a personality, exercise needs, and grooming requirements that fit your family’s lifestyle.

Behavior: Many of the animals in our shelter have previous life histories that weren’t happy. They didn’t always receive the socialization that loving homes provide. Some dogs may go through a phase of chewing, digging, barking or house soiling during the time the animal is adjusting to its new home. All of these behaviors are easily correctable, but take a commitment from you. Our animal care staff can also advise you on this issue.

Expense: Pet ownership comes with some built-in expenses. Consider the following expenses and how they could affect your household budget; food, veterinary care, grooming, supplies (collar and leash, pet beds, crate, brushes, toys, food and water dishes), obedience classes.

Health: Animals in our shelter are often strays with no known medical history. While we make every effort to adopt a healthy pet to you, it is always possible that the pet could become ill and require you to pay for veterinary care. Even generally healthy animals may have expensive veterinary bills during their lifetimes.

Your Home: Before you adopt a dog, think about where you live. If you’re renting, does your property manager allow pets? Is there a pet deposit? Is there a limit on size or number of pets? Think about how you’ll exercise a dog and give it potty breaks. Do you have a fenced yard, or will you need to walk your dog every time it needs to go outside?

Children/other Household Members/Other Pets: Not every dog is a great match for young children. We can help you find a good family dog – and will suggest a different pet if you’re looking at a dog that may be too rambunctious or too shy to be a good pet for a young family. Similarly, if there is a frail elderly or disabled family member, be sure to look for a gentle dog.

Ask yourself if any of your family members are allergic to pets, are afraid of animals, or just don’t enjoy being with animals. We recommend that all family members meet the dog before you decide to adopt.

Remember, adopting a pet is a major life decision. Make it carefully and deliberately.


Animal-lovers who aren’t in a position to adopt right now should consider a wonderful alternative: volunteer with our animals. You’ll have the pleasure of spending time with animals, and the satisfaction that you’ve made a homeless pet’s life happier and better.

Some of the volunteer positions we almost always need help with include:

  • Dog walking: Come on a regular basis and give exercise to our dogs. It’s a great activity for dogs and people.
  • Play with the dogs/puppies. They need attention and stimulation.
  • Foster a pet! We need foster homes to help WVS Thailand with increased medical needs or to socialize shy dogs so that they can become great pets for adopters.
  • Help us keep our shelter clean. With hundreds of animals coming through our doors every year, it’s a big challenge.

We also welcome financial donations to help our important work.

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Q – Can I make a donation of food, pet supplies / accessories, etc. to WVS Thailand ?

A – Yes. We will gratefully accept material items such as leads or leashes, toys, de-worming, flea and tick products, shampoo, towels etc. And yes we accept FOOD too! Additionally, we accept office supplies such as paper, ink for the printer, phone cards, etc. We’re also actively looking for donations of either a microscope (to detect mange/bacteria/yeast on skin as well as worm eggs in fecals) or a used car for transporting dogs to and from the vet!

Q – Can I make a donation in honor of a person or special event?

A – Yes! You can make a donation either directly to our bank account, through PayPal, bank transfer or check and directly at the shelter. Full bank details can be found here…

An acknowledgement / thank you card will be sent to the person of honor!

Let us know what the special person / event is and our dogs will send a card for the occasion. There is no minimum donation!

Q – How do I make a donation in memory of a family member or pet ?

A – A donation in memory of someone you have lost, is a meaningful way to honor their memory, while helping animals who are in so much need of help. We are deeply touched, when grief for your loved one, elicits generosity to the many dogs who need love.

Q – I’d like to give regularly. Does WVS Thailand have a monthly pledge program ?

A – We welcome regular donations as without these, we cannot plan our future activities. Our PayPal account accepts donations in the form of a Subscription, automatically transferring donations on a monthly or yearly basis.

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Q – Why all the fuss about sterilisation at WVS Thailand?

A – If you have a pet, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is deciding whether or not to spay or neuter it! Did you know that in addition to saving lives and dramatically helping reduce street dog numbers, spaying and neutering can also drastically improve your pet’s health and life expectancy? Sterilized pets lead happier, healthier, and longer lives! Sterilizing your pet will make him/her more affectionate and less likely to bite, roam, get a sexually transmitted disease, get reproductive cancers, mark territory, get in fights, or become lost.
Often, we get asked – what can I do to help street dogs? The answer is simple: STERILIZE your pet. You, your pet, and the community will be happier!

Q – When do I spay/neuter my animal?

A – As early as 8 weeks and preferably before 6 months as female dogs can start having puppies at that age.

Q – Doesn’t neutering alter an animal’s personality?

A – Personality changes that may result from sterilizing are for the better. Not being distracted by the need to find a mate will help minimize your pet’s roaming and decrease aggressive tendencies.

Q- Won’t temples take care of the litters my dog has?

A – No. Temples do their best, but they cannot properly take care of all the abandoned animals and it is unfair to require that monks take responsibility for your pet’s litters. Many dogs abandoned in temples end up dying of illnesses or accidents. There are just too many dogs! Only spaying and neutering can end the overpopulation problem.

Q – Isn’t spaying/neutering expensive?

A – Sterilizing your pet will cost between 1200-1800 baht, in general. If your family cannot afford those costs, WVS Thailand may be able to offer spaying/neutering at a lower cost. Please ask!

Q – What does WVS Thailand do regarding overpopulation of street dogs?

A – We are a non-profit dog rescue group with an adoption shelter in Hang Dong, with a mission to help compassionately and effectively alleviate the suffering of street dogs. Our primary focus is on spaying and neutering as this is the only sustainable and humane way to reduce the street dog overpopulation. Time and time again, we come to the rescue of dogs who have been hit by cars, dogs who are dying of preventable diseases (but who were never vaccinated), dogs who are unwanted and mistreated, and who are scared, hungry, and lonely. We want to stop this cycle. We cannot do this all on our own; we need your help.

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Q – How do I become a volunteer at the Shelter?

A – Email us at volunteer@wvsthailand.org and briefly describe how you would like to help us and include some background information, such as whether you are resident or on holiday, have you experiences or skills in a particular area and what level of commitment you can offer. Let us know if you’re interested in grooming, walking, playing with dogs, or helping us at fund raising events. We’ll write back and arrange to show you around the shelter!

Q – Does WVS Thailand provide accommodations while volunteering for WVS Thailand?

A – No, we do not have onsite accommodations however, there are several hotels/resorts/guesthouses within biking distance (5-10 minutes). We can also help coordinate a village homestay with a family within walking distance to the shelter (basic accommodation with no A/C and little English spoken) for 300 Baht per night. Please click here to view our Volunteer Resource Guide for local accommodations, places to eat, shop, etc.

Q – Can children and teenagers volunteer at WVS Thailand ?

A – Absolutely! We encourage young adults to come and volunteer if accompanied by adults. Some of our volunteer opportunities, however, can be unsuitable for young children or individuals with limited prior exposure to dogs (it can be overwhelming to be surrounded by 100 shelter dogs!). Minors under the age of 18 will need to have a waiver signed by their parent / guardian and children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent / guardian at all times while on the premises.

We’re also always looking for people to come generate support at fund raising events!

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Q – My dog barks continuously. What can I do ?

A – There could be a number of reasons why your dog is a barker, but the most likely reason is that they are lonely or bored, especially when left alone for long periods of time. All dogs are “pack animals” and like to be inside the house when their humans are home. Most behaviour problems such as barking, digging, chewing and hyperactive behaviour are a request for attention. Try increasing the dog’s interaction with the family and their exercise, and also provide them with chew-toys and other things to keep them busy during the day. Some individuals find that bringing a dog in at night with the family helps keep the dog happier and reduces noise.

Q – I’m interested in bringing the dog I’ve adopted in Thailand back home with me. Is this feasible?

A – Each country has different standards regarding vaccinations and minimum quarantine requirements. The sooner you start investigation and preparation the better, may be you even can take your dog with you the same flight you take. We have collected some information regarding transporting dogs that might help, see kind of guideline as PDF here.

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