30 Mar 2020

URGENT: Help The Animals Through This Dark Time!

While much of human society is in the grip of the global pandemic that creates great hardship for millions, the animals are suffering in silence.

As food sources are drying up for many strays and community animals, and others are abandoned, the need for veterinary care steadily increases. Many of these homeless dogs and cats fall prey to diseases caused by malnutrition, as well as accidents while desperately searching for new food sources. This will only get worse as lock-downs continue and increase.

Our brave veterinary team, like our human healthcare providers, are meeting this challenge by continuing to treat animals that have nowhere else to turn to for live-saving veterinary care.

Our vet teams are willing to keep working on the front-lines, but they cannot do it without your help. All our work is funded through private donations. Don't abandon them in this special time of need — Please donate today! Even a small amount can save a life or ease great suffering.

Animal Welfare Matters - Now More Than Ever!

URGENT: Help The Animals Through This Dark Time!

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