20 Dec 2023

Preventive Community Outreach: Update

While major construction at the WVS Center is progressing, our sterilization work and community outreach campaigns continue apace.

In the past month, our veterinary outreach teams have provided veterinary treatments, full vaccinations and preventive medications to 345 animals at 12 different sites. All of these locations were either temples or other community hotspots with high concentrations of free roaming dogs.

Each site was visited at least twice, to follow up on treatments and administer booster vaccines to animals with no vaccination history at the first visit.

In addition to the immediate benefits to the animals on site, these visits also allow us to identify cases for further treatment and uncover many pockets of unsterilized dogs for follow-up referral to our sterilization team.

Please watch this space for further updates…

None of our work to improve animal welfare in our region is possible without the help of committed animal lovers like you! So please consider making a donation today, at wvsthailand.org/en/donate/

Thank you for your support!

Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update
Preventive Community Outreach: Update

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