06 Nov 2023

Preventive Community Outreach Campaign

While the WVS Rescue Center is undergoing major reconstruction and upgrades, we have recently launched a campaign to dispatch teams on a daily basis, to local temples and other hotspots with high concentrations of resident community dogs.

This initiative is in addition of our scheduled sterilization outreach projects, and the continued sterilization work at the WVS Center in Hangdong.

The dogs at each site visited by our small vet/vet nurse teams, receive free preventive treatments, including full vaccination packages, deworming and flea/tick prevention, as well as treatment for minor injuries. In addition to the immediate benefits to the dogs we meet, these visits strengthen our links with their communities and provide valuable insights for future planning and cooperation.

The dog populations are surveyed and recorded in real time via the WVS Data Collection App. Among other things, this allows us to facilitate sterilizations in areas that may have been under-served or overlooked.

We will continue this campaign over the coming moths, at a rate of 5-7 sites per week, and will provide updates here as we move forward.

None of our work to improve animal welfare in our region is possible without the help of committed animal lovers like you! So please consider making a donation today, at wvsthailand.org/en/donate/

Thank you for your support!

Preventive Community Outreach Campaign
Preventive Community Outreach Campaign
Preventive Community Outreach Campaign
Preventive Community Outreach Campaign

Donate now

Donation for

Preventive Community Outreach Campaign

Donation for

Preventive Community Outreach Campaign

Bank QR Code

Account Number


Swift ID


Account Name

WVS Thailand Foundation


Kasikorn Bank PCL
Branch Siyaek-Sanambin
Chiang Mai 50200

If you make a bank transfer please email us at donations@wvsthailand.org as the banking system here unfortunately cannot identify individual donors and we would like to be able to send you a Thank You note.

If your donation is for a specific dog or purpose, please let us know!

Please let us know when would be a good time for you to drop by the shelter.

We'll be very pleased to meet you and show some of the dogs that we're helping!

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