15 Sep 2024

Book Your Spay/Neuter Appointment Now!

If you, your neighbor or your friends have a pet dog, or you just have some strays around your neighborhood or workplace, now is the time to get them spayed/neutered!

At Worldwide Veterinary Service (Thailand), our main mission is to control the stray dog population, which means we provide humane animal birth control surgery free of charge, for both owned and community dogs.

Sterilizing dogs has many benefits to their health and your life. Some of these are:

Reduction of common types of cancer in both males and females.

Positive effects on behavior by eliminating “heat” in females. It often reduces or eliminates aggressive behavior in males.

Good for the community. Less nuisance and accidents due to unwanted strays in the neighborhood.

And the best part is… IT’S ABSOLUTELY FREE!

So why wait?! Call our sterilization team anytime from Monday to Friday, 9 am. - 5 pm., at 090-320-7317 for an appointment!

If you have questions or concerns, please leave us a message here or call the sterilization team at the number above.

Book Your Spay/Neuter Appointment Now!
Book Your Spay/Neuter Appointment Now!

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