04 May 2020
A couple of years ago Hobbs, a lively young male dog in our care, suddenly suffered a devastating stroke. Thanks to the quick intervention of our veterinarians and many months of rehabilitation work, Hobbs was fortunate to recover most of his faculties. He was even more fortunate to be adopted by a wonderful family with two lovely daughters, soon thereafter.
Both daughters are completely devoted to Hobbs’ physical, spiritual, and cultural well-being. They walk him twice a day, often dressed in girlie outfits they create for the occasion, they read to him and let him sit in on their home-schooling lessons to further his education.
November, the youngest of the family who is a budding artist, has chosen Hobbs as her favorite subject. When she was recently given a class assignment to create a picture of “a great day” in her life, the obvious choice was the day Hobbs came into her family. Here is the result and a couple of other samples of her work.
Art by: November Mekara
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