09 Jan 2023

2022 Highlights

Despite significant obstacles and constraints in the past year, Team WVS Thailand forged ahead and, with your help, made meaningful and lasting contributions to animal welfare in our region.

Numbers never tell the whole story, but here are some of the highlights of the past year:

4187 Dogs + 327 Cats Sterilized
This includes both stray and free roaming community animals. Given the average birth rate of both dogs and cats, this will prevent unwanted births and suffering in the millions over time. This was accomplished in Chiangmai, as well as 6 outreach missions to remote areas who have no other access to veterinary services.

5080 Canine Rabies Vaccinations
This will prevent suffering and death from this horrible disease among dogs as well as reduce a significant public health risk for the human communities in which they live.

124 Vet Professionals Trained
At our Hangdong Training Center our highly qualified surgeons teach the latest surgical protocols for high-quality/ high-volume animal birth control. These techniques allow for fast recovery, minimal complications, and no need for follow-up visits.

465 Furry Lives Saved
Every year hundreds of animals, who have nowhere else to turn for help, receive world-class veterinary treatment at our Rescue & Rehabilitation Center. While our teams work tirelessly to reduce the suffering caused by overpopulation, we also do whatever we can for the ones that already struggle in our communities.

40 Homes Found
While most of our patients return to their respective communities, temples or homes after treatment, this is not always an option. So we are grateful to the 40 loving families who have given some of these dogs good homes over the past year.

9417 School Students Educated
We believe that in the long term, animal welfare education will turn the tide for a better life of all animals. In 2022 our education team has visited 77 schools in our region to teach youngsters about responsible pet ownership, safety and rabies prevention. We’ve also trained 183 workers across 12 municipalities in safe, humane dog handling techniques.

None of these achievements would be possible without active support from animal lovers like you, and we are grateful for each and every contribution. BUT THERE’S SO MUCH MORE TO DO! So please consider supporting our mission through a donation today at donate

2022 Highlights
2022 Highlights
2022 Highlights
2022 Highlights
2022 Highlights
2022 Highlights
2022 Highlights

Donate now

Donation for

2022 Highlights

Donation for

2022 Highlights

Bank QR Code

Account Number


Swift ID


Account Name

WVS Thailand Foundation


Kasikorn Bank PCL
Branch Siyaek-Sanambin
Chiang Mai 50200

If you make a bank transfer please email us at donations@wvsthailand.org as the banking system here unfortunately cannot identify individual donors and we would like to be able to send you a Thank You note.

If your donation is for a specific dog or purpose, please let us know!

Please let us know when would be a good time for you to drop by the shelter.

We'll be very pleased to meet you and show some of the dogs that we're helping!

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