14 May 2021

A Prayer For Bibi

This exceptionally sweet stray pup was brought to us after a car accident. The damage is massive: She sustained severe damage to both front legs, as well as a broken pelvis. One of her front legs is beyond repair and will need to be amputated. The other one is less damaged, but has now developed a serious infection. The WVS veterinarians are fighting with all their skill and passion to save at least one front leg, and make a normal life possible for little Bibi.

The next few days will be critical for Bibi. Please keep her in your thoughts and send her all the positive energy you can. If all goes well, she can soon start her long road to recovery at our Rehabilitation Center, and hopefully find a loving home. She’s a very brave little girl and deserves the best chance we can give her.

If you would like to help Bibi and hundreds of other strays to get desperately needed veterinary care, please consider making a donation in her name.

To support our life-saving mission, please click here: https://wvsthailand.org/en/donate/

A Prayer For Bibi

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Rescue donation for

A Prayer For Bibi

Rescue donation for

A Prayer For Bibi

Bank QR Code

Account Number


Swift ID


Account Name

WVS Thailand Foundation


Kasikorn Bank PCL
Branch Siyaek-Sanambin
Chiang Mai 50200

If you make a bank transfer please email us at donations@wvsthailand.org as the banking system here unfortunately cannot identify individual donors and we would like to be able to send you a Thank You note.

If your donation is for a specific dog or purpose, please let us know!

Please let us know when would be a good time for you to drop by the shelter.

We'll be very pleased to meet you and show some of the dogs that we're helping!

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