About Adopting

We are committed to finding permanent and happy homes for puppies and dogs in need! Therefore, we only give away pets to families that will not cage or systematically keep them on a leash, or leave the dog alone regularly during daytime hours (unless two dogs are adopted and can therefore serve as one another’s companion).

As we see too much suffering created by the overpopulation, we need your commitment that female puppies that are too young to be spayed during their time at our shelter will be sterilized by their new owners prior to the dog turning 6 months old. WVS Thailand is willing to pay for the costs of sterilization if the owner cannot afford it.

For the protection of the dogs’ physical and emotional well-being, under no circumstances do we adopt out puppies younger than 8 weeks. Dogs need to stay with their mothers until at minimum 8 weeks of age or they are subject to a weakened immune system and poor emotional relationships with others.

We strongly encourage adopting a dog from a shelter environment instead of purchasing a dog from a breeder because, in our experience, we have come to realize that the continued breeding of purebred dogs exacerbates the dire problems dogs face in Thailand. Breeders feel that they can earn money from breeding and end up dumping the dogs they are unable to sell, imposing more street dogs on an already overloaded population. Additionally, many individuals have come to us after adopting purebred dogs from markets, only to find that the pups were never vaccinated and since they were separated from their mommy way too early, become sick with either parvo or distemper.

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WVS Thailand takes the adoption of a dog very seriously and perform an interview and complete an adoption contract with a prospective adopter, as well as making follow up visits to the new home, to ensure the dog is living in the agreed circumstances of the contract.

You can download and read the Adoption Contract here

Adoptions are free of charge, however, donations to cover our expenses will be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in a new friend who has much affection and love to offer, just contact us.

In case you may have a question unanswered, visit our FAQ page

One of our primary objectives, is to find homes for dogs either been abandoned & dumped by previous owners or somewhere to live for a homeless cat or dog that may well be a puppy born on the street, at a temple or even at the shelter after being rescued to start life with the care & attention they so deserve.

WVS Thailand have many dogs at our Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Hang Dong awaiting a home. We even have some staying at foster homes, being socialized and cared for in a temporary home.

We have pages listing many of our male and female dogs and pups awaiting adoption, and we invite you to take a look!

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WVS Thailand is happy about every doggy who finds a new forever home, and we’re really grateful to every adoption family.

Maybe you would like to join them, but adopting a dog is a decision for life (at least that of the doggy) and to make sure that your decision is the right decision making for both a happy dog as well as its new family it’s worth some consideration.

Hoping to help you, here's a short check list to think about:

  • Make sure you decide what size dog would suit your family. If you live in a small apartment for example, don’t look at adopting a large doggy.
  • Have you owned a dog before? If not, look at adopting a quiet, small to medium sized dog who will be easily maintained and trained.
  • How much time do you have to care for your dog? If you don’t have a lot, look for a dog with a short coat that won't need a lot of grooming.
  • What’s your budget? If it’s tight, get a small dog who won’t need as much food, and avoid older dogs who may need more veterinary treatment.
  • Be prepared to spend time with and on your dog – walking, training, grooming, feeding, cuddling – and picking up its mess!
  • Spend time with the dog you want to adopt and see if you, your family members and the dog can get along. If you have other dogs at home bring them in too, so you know how they will react to each other.
  • Staying as an International in Thailand could mean that there might come a day you want to (or must) leave the country. Be aware of your responsibility to your pets – with a bit of planning it’s not too hard to manage. There are a number of companies dedicated to international pet travel and can be easily found via a quick search on the internet.
View dogs available for adoption